Florence March
Director of IRCL
Professor in British theatre
16th–17th c.

Chargées de mission à l’IRCL pour l’accompagnement des candidats
aux délégations et concours du CNRS

Rachel DARMON : rachel.darmon (chez) univ-montp3.fr
Sophie VASSET : sophie.vasset (chez) univ-montp3.fr

Chargés de mission à l’IRCL pour l’accompagnement du projet scientifique

Pierre KAPITANIAK : pierre.kapitaniak (chez) univ-montp3.fr
Jennifer RUIMI : jennifer.ruimi (chez) univ-montp3.fr

L’Institut de recherche sur la Renaissance, l’âge Classique et les Lumières (IRCL) is a joint entity of CNRS and University of Paul-Valéry Montpellier 3 (UMR 5186), located at the Saint Charles site.

The IRCL research team concentrates on modernity in Europe from the Renaissance to the Enlightenment, with a focus on genealogical and contemporary issues. It is organised into three fields:

  • Field 1: Cultural environments in transition, from the Renaissance to the Enlightenment
  • Field 2: Exchanges and translations in sixteenth to eighteenth-century Europe
  • Field 3: Contemporary dynamics of cultural legacies in a globalised world  


In addition to its three fields, which combine fundamental and applied research on the construction of modernity, IRCL is a laboratory for culture and the performing arts.

In 2021, the unit will join the framework agreement between the French Ministry of Culture and the CNRS. This five-year accord (2021–25) was signed in large part due to the renewal of the agreement between IRCL and Printemps des Comédiens, the second largest theatre festival in France in terms of attendance and influence.

IRCL is co-founder of the Dezède musicology database (https://dezede.org/) a research tool that is dedicated to the maintenance of a chronological archive of performances. It serves as an example of how the performing arts can be served by the digital humanities, in accordance with Open Access principles. The Paris Opéra-Comique has entrusted Dezède with its entire archive, which makes it a unique depository in the national and international landscape.

| Evaluation campaign 2019-2020

IRCL members