BEYS Béatrice

Position : Certified professor in higher education
Title :
: Section 21 – Histoire, civilisations, archéologie et art des mondes anciens et médiévaux
(NATIONAL COUNCIL OF UNIVERSITIES) : Section 22 – Histoire et civilisations : histoire des mondes modernes, histoire du monde contemporain ; de l’art ; de la musique
Department : UFR3
Institutional affiliation :
Université Paul-Valéry Montpellier 3

Email : beatrice.beys (at)

Holder of a doctorate in medieval art history - L'hommage du livre à la cour de France (1200-1540). Approche culturelle, artistique et politique - Béatrice Beys is qualified by the CNU in section 21 and 22. Her thesis, which has not been digitised but has been noted in scientific articles, is currently being updated. A medievalist on the ‘Long Middle Ages’, she is conducting research on Montpellierian manuscripts, in light of her thesis on the books of the French court and the high nobility. At the heart of this research is, in addition to the text-image link, the ‘tracing’ of ‘lost’ books on an international scale, in relation to the history of private collections.