Position : Lecturer-Researcher
Title : Associate Professor
CNU (National Council of Universities) section: History and civilisations 
Department :
Institutional affiliation :
Université Paul-Valéry Montpellier 3

Email : cecile.beuzelin (at)

Cécile Beuzelin is an Associate Professor in history of modern art at the University of Paul-Valéry Montpellier 3, specialising in Italian Renaissance painting (15th-16th centuries). She is the author of several books and articles on Italian Mannerism (L’Anticamera Benintendi, Olschki, 2015) et le peintre Jacopo Pontormo (monographie à paraître), le double portrait d’amitié et la performativité de l’image religieuse.

Research subject areas :
  • Italian mannerism
  • Contributions, links, exchanges between ephemeral and perennial arts
  • Cultural networks and artistic movements between Italy and northern Europe
  • The performativity of the religious image 
  • Portraiture and affects in the Renaissance
Academic and administrative endeavours :
  • Organisation du colloque international « Animal et portrait à la Renaissance ; De bestiae dignitate’, musée national de la Renaissance d’Ecouen and musée de la Chasse et de la Nature, Paris (16–17 May 2022).
  • Preparation of a monograph on the painter Jacopo Pontormo (Paris, Cohen & Cohen).