Position : Researcher
Title : Research fellow
CNU (National Council of Universities) section : 1/ Histoire et civilisations, mondes modernes, monde contemporain (22); 2/ Littérature française (9)
Institutional affiliation : CNRS
Accreditation to supervise PhD research (HDR) : Yes

Email : jean-pierre.schandeler (at)

Jean-Pierre Schandeler is a Research Fellow in history for CNRS. He holds an agrégation teaching accreditation in literature. He defended his doctoral thesis at the University of Paul-Valéry Montpellier 3, and earned his accreditation to supervise PhD research at the School for Advanced Studies in the Social Sciences (EHESS, History and Civilisations section). His research interests include: 1) education in the social sciences in the 18th century and disciplinary processes from 1700 to 1850; and 2) the political and philosophical thought of corpus. He is a member of the editorial board for the Revue de synthèse , and he manages the publication Écrits philosophiques, historiques et littéraires (11 vol.) for the series Œuvres complètes by D’Alembert.

Research subject areas :
  • Education in the social sciences in the 18th century; disciplinary processes from 1700 to 1850
  • Memories and practices of the Enlightenment in the contemporary world
  • Condorcet: history/social sciences; political and philosophical thought; and translations in the 19th and 20th centuries
  • Editor of Écrits philosophiques, historiques et littéraires (11 vol.) for the series Œuvres complètes by D’Alembert, and collaborator for the project ENCCRE (collaborative digital critical edition of l’Encyclopédie)